Harley Davidson RoadKing Road KIng Touring Bagger


Harley Davidson RoadKing Road King Touring Bagger is made of high quality ABS plastic material. sealing gum comes complete, windshield. Harley Davidson RoadKing Road KIng Touring Bagger comes with decorative bolts. Harley Davidson RoadKing Road King Touring Bagger is made of two parts, which simplifies the installation process of the audio system. A huge advantage is that the Harley Davidson RoadKing Road King Touring Bagger is made of ABS plastic, which eliminates cracking, paint drawdown, easy installation, durability, ease of painting, elasticity and most importantly the weight.



Harley Davidson RoadKing Road King Touring Bagger is made of high quality ABS plastic material. Perfect for setting to music or just to protect you from the oncoming wind and give more positive emotions on a motorcycle.



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